Soft Move
Place a stone into an empty node (cannot push/crush an enemy). Must still be adjacent to
one of your stones, unless it's a soft blink move.
Hard Move
Place a stone into an enemy-occupied node (MUST push/crush an enemy). Must still be
adjacent to one of your stones, unless it's a hard blink move.
Blink Move
Place a stone anywhere on the board (need not be adjacent to one of your stones).
Optional action after your standard move but before casting a spell. First sacrifice 2
stones, then make 1 move (hard or soft). Must still be adjacent.
A spell that grants a permanent effect and is not cast. You must fully occupy the spell
to gain its effect.
• mana refill (3 and 5 node only)
• resolve effect
• lock spell (3 and 5 node only)